Here are some links of sites that I enjoy and/or find interesting:

Color Me Katie

Katie is an amazing freelance photographer and street artist living in Brooklyn. She is one of the most creative people around and often features photos from Improv Everywhere events.

Greg Holden

Greg Holden
Greg Holden is an amazing singer-songwriter originally from England. Now living in New York, Greg has been touring all over the US, as well as part of Canada. His beautifully soothing voice and honest lyrics combine to form one of my favourite musicians. Make sure you take the time to listen to his music - I promise it will be well worth it!

Free Rice

Free Rice
Who knew that you could combine learning, fun, and helping feed the hungry? Well that's exactly what Free Rice has done! While expanding your vocabulary or worldly knowledge, you are doing good for the world. For each question you get right, they donate 10 grains of rice through the World Food Programme to help end hunger. Now, you might think "10 grains? That's nothing!" But if people keep playing the numbers really add up. Since the site started back in 2007, Free Rice has donated over 80 BILLION grains of rice!