Today I miraculously woke up on time, at 7am. A miracle, I know, but somehow I still managed to be a few minutes late for school. My mornings are weird.

In class, we discussed the previous day’s trip and went over the “Operations dignité” and what it means. Basically, it was where many small villages got together and resisted the closing of their village by coming up with alternatives and banding together. It’s actually fairly interesting. Quebec has such a cool history!

Midway through class, we went outside for our class photo. The class before us had about 20 students and tried to squeeze them all onto one bench. We probably could have fit our entire class on one bench, but we decided to be a little more comfortable.

After class, we all went to the church and took a school photo. There were so many people! I really hope that we get copies of the photos. Someone said that we buy them at the end of the session. I’ll definitely be getting some!

I went home for lunch and then returned to the school for our atelier’s photo (so many pictures!). Then because we were making our film tomorrow, I was free for the afternoon!

Not sure of what to do with my time, I went to the café and worked. A lot. No, not on my grand essay but on my blog. It’s much more important than my essay, especially because I was four or five days behind. Once I was done with my blog, I sent around some emails and got some things organised until it was time for me to head home.

I gathered up my stuff and went to go get my bike but stopped because it was raining. A little rain, not such a big deal! I put on my rain jacket (I’m always prepared!) and grabbed some napkins to dry my bike seat. Almost as soon as I unlocked my bike, the rain started to pour. And by pour, I mean torrential downpour. And by torrential downpour, I mean that I thought I was going to drown while biking home.

Needless to say, by the time I got home (maybe 5-10 minutes later) I was drenched. I didn’t mind too much though – at least I was home. I’m actually surprised that I made it without running in to a car or something because the rain was coming down so hard that I couldn’t actually see anything! It was especially fun coming down the big hill (read: mountain) towards my house.

For dinner I wore my pyjamas. Although I found the situation kind of funny, I still needed some comfort and had unfortunately eaten all my Toblerone and fudge – pyjamas had to do.

After dinner it stopped raining and I went outside to call my mother dearest (now that I have minutes again. Yay!). It feels like it’s been a month or so since I left Terrace, but it’s only been a week and a half. It’s so weird.

Since I’ve been here, I have constantly had French songs in my head. I need to find more French music to add to my repertoire. Jacuzzi on repeat in my head can get annoying after a while (I know, crazy right? Who can get tired of “Je porte un grand fur coat dans mon Jacuzzi”?).

As well has having French music in my head, I’ve also been thinking in French. To be honest though, I was doing that before I came to Quebec. I just do it all the time now. That is, except when I blog or talk to my family on the phone. Then my mind is in English and I find myself accidentally saying something my roommates in English. It’s horrible. But as soon has the words leave my mouth I realise what I’ve done and quickly apologize and repeat what I said in French. I’ll have to work on my “language switching” abilities, or whatever you want to call them!

Later that night, I went to a murder mystery night at the Forge à Bérubé. It was a lot of fun. We were given a sheet that explained what had happened – a millionaire had been murdered and we had to find out who the killer was. Some of the animateurs and teachers dressed up like the various suspects (about six or seven of them). My two favourites were this Peruvian embassy person (who spoke French with a Spanish accent and did weird little dances. You really had to be there to experience the awesomeness) and an archaeologist (who spoke with an English accent and apparently learned how to speak French in Trois-Pistoles). It was really fun to watch. All of the suspects acted out five different scenes where different things were revealed. At the end of each scene, the detective answered any questions (vocabulary/comprehension-wise. He couldn’t tell us who killed the millionaire!). At the end, we went through all the suspects and voted on who we though was the murderer. Valeria and I guessed correctly – it was the maid! *gasp* The two guys sitting next to us guessed incorrectly and they said that it was because we were women that we guessed correctly. Us women understand each other and our motives (the maid was a woman, in case you thought otherwise).

Overall, minus me almost drowning while biking, it was an awesome day!


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