Sarah Von (of Yes and Yes) made a post recently and I thought I'd share it with you.

I'd like the state the obvious here and remind all of us that life is short. And I'm pretty sure it's too short to:

* hold grudges
wear uncomfortable shoes 
pretend you don't like that band/tv show/movie/book
* wait for that cutie to call you back
* be hung up about your hips/upper arms/boobs/thighs
hang out with people that don't realize how awesome you are
* go to a job that you hate
* avoid that food that you love
* pretend you like roller coasters/scary movies/sushi
* put off doing that thing that excites you

I found this post interesting because I find that I do too many of these things. Starting now, I'm going to make a conscious effort to just live.

In the words of Sasha Azevedo:

Life is too short not to make the best and the most of everything that comes your way everyday.


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